In our previous post, we talked about how people define themselves, hope you took a cue to define yourself, if you did, it will be nice reading from you on our comment section.
Today, we shall continue in the quest to know and answer the question, “who am I?” and we shall be dwelling on the SELF, and what it entails:
The Self is the individual perception (awareness, view or opinion) of oneself.
- Self is the executive function by means an individual manages, copes, thinks, remembers, perceives and plans.
The self is you, the sum total of who you are. It is a doer. It is an actor guiding and regulating your thoughts, feelings and actions. One’s self is often influenced by his culture, family background and beliefs.
The self is also the awareness that you have the ability to create a new lifestyle, attitude and character from negative to positive ones. And, you have the ability to change your negative thought processes that you have against yourself, someone or something.
Self is to be fully aware of who you really are in God (or any other Being you worship), knowing that human being is created to worship or look up to a Being that is spiritually higher. For example, I worship God as my spiritual head. To fully define myself, I must be aware that I am just like Him in love, faith, peace, kindness, compassion, power, wisdom, integrity, innovation, creativity and all His attributes.
- Self is the way you think, feel or perceive yourself, others and things around you.
Your self-identity also comprises of your beliefs, values, goals, abilities and social life. You can only define who you are when you know your root – what you are made up of as a human being (man).
Man is a tripartite being, that is, he is made up of the spirit, soul and body (2Thess. 5:23). Let’s get deeper, research has shown that there is a strong connection between the spiritual and psychological healing of humans that bring about a Holistic Counseling.
I am a beneficiary of Holistic Counseling that is why I deem it fit to share more light in this understanding.