The spirit-man that allow his Creator to guide and lead him, make that man to discover who he is better and faster. For me, God is my Creator (yours maybe whoever you believe – I’m not here to impose my religious beliefs on you. But, one thing you should know is that every human being is created to look up to a higher spiritual being for a spiritual connection because we are a spirit with a fleshy soul that is contained in a physical body. Your true potentials is just like your Creator. Imagine who your creator is (in power, abilities, creativity, innovative, beauty, Holiness, strength, boldness, excellent, intelligent, courage, victory, Truth, problem-solver, transformer, game-changer, and so on) that’s exactly who you are. As humans, our body act and behave from the instruction of our spirit. The question is, who does our spirit-man get instructions from? It is important us to reconnect our spirit to our Creator in order to function according to the Creator’s manual or instructions.
- Your spirit is your life and breath. Your sprit is who you are. Your spirit relates directly with your Creator which is your Source.
When the spirit man is regenerated (accepts the lordship and the leadership of God), it helps the soul to think, see and imagine and analyze things in their original perspectives. But, the reverse is the case when the spirit-man is dormant, the soul will dominate with its fantasies and take a full control of that individual and do everything that pleases the flesh (the world and everything in it). We are living in the world that is mostly dominate by soulish people. That’s why many people believe that man is soul and body. The truth is man is a spirit, soul and body.
- A healthy spirit and soul result to a healthy body.
Our spirit (regenerated or unregenerated) is what drives our emotions, attitudes and reactions, causing us to do the sensible or silly things we do, and feel the way we feel (love or hate; good or bad), both positively and negatively. It makes us to be courageous or timid, willing or unwilling, a leader or a follower – it all depends on who or what our spirit-man connects to. We are who our Source is.
we shall be discussing the topic HOW DO I DEFINE MYSELF? in our next article, follow us and stay updated.